Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tag Ball

I have seen these "Taggie Balls" (and there are books, rattles and blankets) and such around for awhile.  One day I realized I had all this extra soft fabric that I used on the back of baby quilts and how fun to make a "Taggie Ball" with them.  A girl I visit teach is due the day after me and doesn't find out what she is having.  So I figured it would be perfect, because it could be for either a boy or a girl.  I needed like 15 different ribbons so a friend of mine cut some of hers and gave me some.  And I made one for me and for the girl I visit teach.
I had a pattern for a ball and added the ribbon.  At first I did the ribbon 5" long and it's folded in half and in the seam, but I thought that was too long.  So I did the other ball with ribbon cut to 4" and I thought that was a great length.
I also bought some cat balls and put one inside of each ball, so it would jingle.  I put the ball inside of some scrap batting and sewed the batting shut.  I originally did this thinking that if the ball worked it's way to the outside of the ball, I didn't want it to be really hard at that spot and to quiet the jingle a little.  Then I realized later that eventually the filling could work it's way into the ball, making it not jingle, so good thing it's in a pocket of batting and that won't happen.
And the ball is totally washable.
So here it is...
 Won't my precious little angel just love it?  I think it turned out great!

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