Friday, September 16, 2011

Nursing Pillow

I didn't have a nursing pillow with the boys but I've seen how handy they can be for nursing and other things.  So I googled "free nursing pillow pattern" and I found one that I liked and made myself and my sister in-law one.  They are super easy to make!  The pattern that I found has you making a pillow form and a separate cover with an invisible zipper in it.
Mackenzie seems to really like it and I think it's handy to have while nursing.  I always used just a pillow, but I like this nursing pillow.

 That's my little girl... always with the tongue out!
 When she's laying here for tummy time I'll put toys out all around her and it's really cute to watch her focus on a toy and try to grab it.

After I made the 2 pillow forms and before I made the covers, my boys were fighting over one (remember there are 2) and ripped it!  I used a bed sheet for the form.  It was one I used many years ago for the back of a quilt and I had enough left over to use for the form.  (By the way, I no longer use bed sheets for the backs of my quilts, that was when I first started.)
Yeah, I just made a new one, I didn't think that was fixable.

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