Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brown Baby Shoes with Colored Dots

I love this pair of shoes I made for my little Princess!!!
 However I think next time I will put the ribbon, going the direction of the bow and the bow going the direction of the ribbon.
 I used the pattern for the pleated Mary Jane baby shoes, but I didn't pleat them because of adding the ribbon and bow.  So I just used the pattern for the inside for the top piece as well.  Click here to go to the tutorial for the Pleated Mary Jane Baby Shoes.

I like the seam on the side of the shoe instead of the back of the shoe.  I like to cover that seam with the strap, see the picture above.  What do you think?  Do you like the strap to cover the seam on the side?  Or would you prefer the seam in the back and the strap tucked in, so you don't see it on the side of the shoe?
Oh and I believe I said this before... I can make them so you don't see the seam in the inside of the shoe, but it's just an extra step.  And you don't see it when it's on the baby's foot, so I don't bother doing it.

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