Friday, November 9, 2012

Tiff and Kolin

The day before when Tiffany dropped Kolin off he kissed her belly and it was so cute.  She said he always kisses her belly.  So when she dropped him off this morning I wanted to get a picture of it.  So literally in like 2 minutes I just snapped a couple quick pictures, so Tiff could get to work.  She was wearing green and he was wearing red, so I just turned it black and white and cropped it.  That was all the editing I did.  Oh wait, I blurred the background a little more.  I think they turned out pretty cute.  I just wish in this first picture I had asked Tiff to hold Kolin's hand, but it's still cute!

 I can't really decide which crop I like... and in the one below I didn't blur the background, a little more like I did in the first one.  It really just makes the counter line not so sharp by his nose.
The top one is centered around the kiss and the bottom, the kiss on the line of the rule of thirds.
I don't normally like black and white pictures, but I like these!
What do you think?


  1. I'm not a fan of most pregnancy pictures I see, but these are really cute! And I like the black and white.

  2. They are stunning. I like the first picture the best with Kolin smiling. I can't believe how big he has gotten. What a handsome boy.
