Friday, May 27, 2011

Car Seat Tent

One day last year while I was surfing some craft blogs I had found this car seat tent.  I copied and pasted the instructions (which really isn't much, mainly I did it for the idea so I wouldn't forget) and saved it in a word document on my computer.  Anyway, I did forget about it and then saw it on my hard drive, opened it to see what it was and decided to make it.
The ones I saw online are not pieced, just one big piece of fabric for the top and one for the bottom.  But I really wanted pieced butterflies, and so I pieced my mine.  I also quilted the layers together with NO batting in the middle.  You want it to be breathable, so it's just the fabric.
If I make another one, to give to someone, I think I would round the corners.  I thought about rounding the corners on this one, but it already took me longer then planned because I cut the fabric wrong, so I didn't want to mess with it anymore.
It's just a rectangle with the loops attached so it stays in place and off of baby's face.  I was thinking when she's out of this car seat I can un-stitch the loops with my seam ripper and she can use it as a blanket for her dolls or herself.

The fabric below is the fabric on the other side, the stuff she looks at if she's awake.  I really wanted it to be fun and colorful!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tanner's Birthday Cake

Tanner wanted a blue monster truck for his birthday cake.  We had some family over for cake and ice cream.  Dave hurried home from work and made this cake for Tanner before everyone came.  Isn't it awesome?

 When we sang "Happy Birthday" to him he hid his face and then popped up to blow out the candles.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tag Ball

I have seen these "Taggie Balls" (and there are books, rattles and blankets) and such around for awhile.  One day I realized I had all this extra soft fabric that I used on the back of baby quilts and how fun to make a "Taggie Ball" with them.  A girl I visit teach is due the day after me and doesn't find out what she is having.  So I figured it would be perfect, because it could be for either a boy or a girl.  I needed like 15 different ribbons so a friend of mine cut some of hers and gave me some.  And I made one for me and for the girl I visit teach.
I had a pattern for a ball and added the ribbon.  At first I did the ribbon 5" long and it's folded in half and in the seam, but I thought that was too long.  So I did the other ball with ribbon cut to 4" and I thought that was a great length.
I also bought some cat balls and put one inside of each ball, so it would jingle.  I put the ball inside of some scrap batting and sewed the batting shut.  I originally did this thinking that if the ball worked it's way to the outside of the ball, I didn't want it to be really hard at that spot and to quiet the jingle a little.  Then I realized later that eventually the filling could work it's way into the ball, making it not jingle, so good thing it's in a pocket of batting and that won't happen.
And the ball is totally washable.
So here it is...
 Won't my precious little angel just love it?  I think it turned out great!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Baby Quilt

I finally finished the baby quilt I started 6 years ago when I was pregnant with Jayden and hoped he was a girl.  I saw this in the Fons and Porter magazine and loved it at the time.  It also had matching bumper pads, crib skirt and bed sheets.  I bought enough to make it all.  I had all the strips cut for the bumper pads, all the little 9 patch blocks sewn together and the 6" squares and triangles and binding all cut and ready to sew together when I found out I was having a boy.  So I packed it all up and didn't get it back out until now.  But I'm not going to make the bumper pads or crib skirt anymore.  However I do want to make some crib sheets simply because I do need some more and have the stuff to make them, and they are super easy to do.

If I didn't already have this one started, I probably would have done something totally different.  But I am very excited to have finished this one!  And I'm super excited to put my baby girl on it and in it!