Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Published Again!

 I sent another "Great Idea" to the Family Fun magazine and they decided to publish it!  Yay!  That makes two times in 11 months that I was published in the Family Fun magazine!  And every time they give you $100 to have your name and idea published!  I did think they would use a picture of both boys, because in the email they sent me to check the facts they asked if one of the pictures I sent them was with the older boy wearing a shirt that said "messy" and the littlest one holding the block.  Oh well, it's still a cute picture of Jayden.  Hopefully this link will take you to the page...

These first 2 pictures are the ones I sent them...
 I guess you can see the block better in this picture of just Jayden...
 Last time I sent them pictures of just the thing, that was what they published, I didn't want that happen this time.  I wanted a picture of my cute boys in there.  I took these pictures of just the block to publish on the blog back in August when I made it.

 If you want to read how it was made you'll have to find that post or one day I'll put the link here.

I copied the pictures from the digital version of the magazine so you don't have to go to the link if you don't want to.  Here is the full page...
 Here is the close up of "My Great Idea"...
 Okay, not so clear so maybe you do want to go to the link.


  1. You are so creative! Congrats on your second publishing! We definitely need some "boredom busters" around my house in this weather:)

  2. That is such a great idea! Congrats on getting published again.


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