Wednesday, October 6, 2010

They're Hung Up!

 I finally decided where to hang the things for my wall, the ones I made.  And Dave, my hero and hubby, hung them up for me!!
Thank you Dave!!!  I love seeing them on my wall!!!!!  He hung them with screws and made them harder to knock off.  I thought I'd use that 3M sticky stuff, but it made them stick out from the wall and I didn't like that.  So Dave came to my rescue and hung them up.  Aren't they beautiful!?!?

 I wanted to hang this on our brick above the part of the mantel that has all of our families, family pictures.  But I didn't want to put screws or nails in the brick and saw no other way.  The boys have knocked off and broken 2 of the frames I used to have above the couch and so I decided to put it above the couch and take down all those pictures.  And I love it!  And it's much harder to knock down then those pictures were.  
What do you think?

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